Proposition de visuel pour la campagne 2017
Proposition de visuel pour la campagne 2017
Advertising Art Director in Aix en Provence (FR)
Cécile is an Art director passionate about image but also fashion and food. After 7 years working at La chose, evolving as an Art director, she developed an expertise for Ad and Activation devices, but remained close to creation. Her secret ? She doesn't mind getting her hands dirty to deliver perfect crafts (always).
La Chose (7 ans), Bronson Expérience (free), Digitas (free), Rosapark (free), Young & Rubicam (free)...
Kronenbourg, Jardiland, Grand Optical...
Featured in
- Prix de la Presse Magazine 2017 pour Kronenbourg - Prix de l'Affichage au Grand Prix de la Communication Extérieure 2015 pour Kronenbourg